Файл:Discontinuity jump.eps.png

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Исходный файл(2122 × 1978 пкс, размер файла: 81 Кб, MIME-тип: image/png)

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Краткое описание

Made by me with matlab. {PD.}

Это diagram было создано с помощью MATLAB.


Public domain Я, владелец авторских прав на это произведение, передаю его в общественное достояние. Это разрешение действует по всему миру.
В некоторых странах это не может быть возможно юридически, в таком случае:
Я даю право кому угодно использовать данное произведение в любых целях без каких-либо условий, за исключением таких условий, которые требуются по закону.

Source code (MATLAB)


function discontinuity()

   % set up the plotting window
   thick_line=2.5; thin_line=2; arrow_size=14; arrow_type=2;
   fs=30; circrad=0.06;

% picture 1
   a=-1.5; b=3; h=0.02; x0=1;
   X1=a:h:x0; X2=x0:h:b; X=[X1 X2];
   Y1=X1.^2; Y2=Y1(length(Y1))+(-1)*(X2-X2(1)); Y=[Y1 Y2]; y01=Y1(length(Y1)); y02=Y2(1);

   figure(1); clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off;
   axes_points(a, b, thin_line, thick_line, arrow_size, arrow_type, x0, y01, y02, circrad, fs, X, Y, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
   saveas(gcf, 'discontinuity_removable.eps', 'psc2')

% picture 2
   a=-1.5; b=3; h=0.02; x0=1;
   X1=a:h:x0; X2=x0:h:b; X=[X1 X2];
   Y1=X1.^2; Y2=2-(X2-x0).^2; Y=[Y1 Y2]; y01=Y1(length(Y1)); y02=Y2(1);

   figure(2); clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off;
   axes_points(a, b, thin_line, thick_line, arrow_size, arrow_type, x0, y01, y02, circrad, fs, X, Y, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
   saveas(gcf, 'discontinuity_jump.eps', 'psc2')

% picture 3
   a=-1.5; b=3; h=0.001; x0=1;
   X1=a:h:x0; X2=x0:h:b; X=[X1 X2];
   Y1=sin(5./(X1-x0-eps)); Y2=0.1./(X2-x0+50*h); Y=[Y1 Y2]; y01=Y1(length(Y1)); y02=Y2(1);

   figure(3); clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off;
   axes_points2(a, b, thin_line, thick_line, arrow_size, arrow_type, x0, NaN, NaN, circrad, fs, X, Y, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
   saveas(gcf, 'discontinuity_essential.eps', 'psc2')

disp('Converting to png...')
! convert -density 400 -antialias discontinuity_removable.eps discontinuity_removable.png
! convert -density 400 -antialias discontinuity_jump.eps discontinuity_jump.png
! convert -density 400 -antialias discontinuity_essential.eps discontinuity_essential.png

function axes_points(a, b, thin_line, thick_line, arrow_size, arrow_type, x0, y01, y02, circrad, fs, X, Y, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
   arrow([a 0], [b, 0], thin_line, arrow_size, pi/8,arrow_type, [0, 0, 0]) % xaxis
   small=0.2; arrow([0, min(Y)], [0, max(Y)], thin_line, arrow_size, pi/8,arrow_type, [0, 0, 0]); % y axis

   plot(X1, Y1, 'linewidth', thick_line); plot(X2, Y2, 'linewidth', thick_line)

   ball(x0, 0, circrad, [0 0 1 ]);
   ball_empty(x0, y01, thick_line, circrad, [1 0 0 ]); ball_empty(x0, y02, thick_line, circrad, [1 0 0 ]);
   H=text(x0, -0.006*fs,  'x_0'); set(H, 'fontsize', fs, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'c', 'VerticalAlignment', 'c')

function axes_points2(a, b, thin_line, thick_line, arrow_size, arrow_type, x0, y01, y02, circrad, fs, X, Y, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
   arrow([a 0], [b, 0], thin_line, arrow_size, pi/8,arrow_type, [0, 0, 0]) % xaxis
   small=0.2; arrow([0, min(Y)], [0, max(Y)], thin_line, arrow_size, pi/8,arrow_type, [0, 0, 0]); % y axis

   plot(X1, Y1, 'linewidth', thick_line); plot(X2, Y2, 'linewidth', thick_line)

   ball(x0, 0, circrad, [0 0 1 ]);
   ball_empty(x0, y01, thick_line, circrad, [1 0 0 ]); ball_empty(x0, y02, thick_line, circrad, [1 0 0 ]);
   H=text(x0+0.2, -0.006*fs,  'x_0'); set(H, 'fontsize', fs, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'c', 'VerticalAlignment', 'c')

function ball(x, y, r, color)
   H=fill(X, Y, color);
   set(H, 'EdgeColor', 'none');

function ball_empty(x, y, thick_line, r, color)
   H=fill(X, Y, [1 1 1]);
   %set(H, 'EdgeColor', color);
  plot(X, Y, 'color', color, 'linewidth', thick_line);

function arrow(start, stop, thickness, arrowsize, sharpness, arrow_type, color)

%  draw a line with an arrow at the end
%  start is the x,y point where the line starts
%  stop is the x,y point where the line stops
%  thickness is an optional parameter giving the thickness of the lines
%  arrowsize is an optional argument that will give the size of the arrow
%  It is assumed that the axis limits are already set
%  0 < sharpness < pi/4 determines how sharp to make the arrow
%  arrow_type draws the arrow in different styles. Values are 0, 1, 2, 3.

%       8/4/93    Jeffery Faneuff
%       Copyright (c) 1988-93 by the MathWorks, Inc.
%       Modified by Oleg Alexandrov 2/16/03

   if nargin <=6
      color=[0, 0, 0];

   if (nargin <=5)
      arrow_type=0;   % the default arrow, it looks like this: ->

   if (nargin <=4)
      sharpness=pi/4; % the arrow sharpness - default = pi/4

   if nargin<=3
      xl = get(gca,'xlim');
      yl = get(gca,'ylim');
      xd = xl(2)-xl(1);
      yd = yl(2)-yl(1);
      arrowsize = (xd + yd) / 2;   % this sets the default arrow size

   if (nargin<=2)
      thickness=0.5; % default thickness

   xdif = stop(1) - start(1);
   ydif = stop(2) - start(2);

   if (xdif == 0)
      if (ydif >0)
      theta = atan(ydif/xdif);  % the angle has to point according to the slope

      arrowsize = -arrowsize;

   if (arrow_type == 0) % draw the arrow like two sticks originating from its vertex
      xx = [start(1), stop(1),(stop(1)+0.02*arrowsize*cos(theta+sharpness)),NaN,stop(1),...
      yy = [start(2), stop(2), (stop(2)+0.02*arrowsize*sin(theta+sharpness)),NaN,stop(2),...
      plot(xx,yy, 'LineWidth', thickness, 'color', color)

   if (arrow_type == 1)  % draw the arrow like an empty triangle
      xx = [stop(1),(stop(1)+0.02*arrowsize*cos(theta+sharpness)), ...
      xx=[xx xx(1) xx(2)];

      yy = [stop(2),(stop(2)+0.02*arrowsize*sin(theta+sharpness)), ...
      yy=[yy yy(1) yy(2)];

      plot(xx,yy, 'LineWidth', thickness, 'color', color)

%     plot the arrow stick
      plot([start(1) stop(1)+0.02*arrowsize*cos(theta)*cos(sharpness)], [start(2), stop(2)+ ...
                    0.02*arrowsize*sin(theta)*cos(sharpness)], 'LineWidth', thickness, 'color', color)


   if (arrow_type==2) % draw the arrow like a full triangle
      xx = [stop(1),(stop(1)+0.02*arrowsize*cos(theta+sharpness)), ...

      yy = [stop(2),(stop(2)+0.02*arrowsize*sin(theta+sharpness)), ...
      H=fill(xx, yy, color);% fill with black
      set(H, 'EdgeColor', 'none')

%     plot the arrow stick
      plot([start(1) stop(1)+0.01*arrowsize*cos(theta)], [start(2), stop(2)+ ...
                    0.01*arrowsize*sin(theta)], 'LineWidth', thickness, 'color', color)

   if (arrow_type==3) % draw the arrow like a filled 'curvilinear' triangle
      curvature=0.5; % change here to make the curved part more curved (or less curved)
      radius=0.02*arrowsize*max(curvature, tan(sharpness));

      xx=[xx stop(1) xx(1)];
      yy=[yy stop(2) yy(1)];

      H=fill(xx, yy, color);% fill with black
      set(H, 'EdgeColor', 'none')

%     plot the arrow stick
      plot([start(1) center(1)-radius*cos(theta)], [start(2), center(2)- ...
                    radius*sin(theta)], 'LineWidth', thickness, 'color', color);
date/time username edit summary
04:49, 5 December 2005 en:User:Oleg Alexandrov (clean up code)
00:01, 22 November 2005 en:User:Oleg Alexandrov (+ source code)
00:52, 12 September 2005 en:User:Oleg Alexandrov (Made by me with matlab. {PD.})

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текущий05:17, 11 июля 2013Миниатюра для версии от 05:17, 11 июля 20132122 × 1978 (81 Кб)wikimediacommons>Oleg AlexandrovMade the point on the axis blue, per request, this is how it should be.

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